- Personal advertising will only be permitted as per the Canoe SA personal advertising rule.
- Where possible, Personal advertising may not clash with the main sponsors.
- All surfskis/paddles must display any race sponsor’s logo stickers – if supplied.
- Paddlers must display correct CSA numbers on surfski – incorrect/incomplete numbers will result in disqualification.
- Any competitor who rides the wake of a motorised craft will be disqualified.
- Competitors will be allowed seconds to assist them on the beach, but should take care not to infringe on the rules of the race by assisting competitors in the water.
- Any competitor who receives physical support or assistance or who enters one of the rescue craft, will be disqualified, with the exception of those doing so to repair their craft.
- The race referee may decide whether or not a competitor should be prevented from continuing the race at any time. The decision of the race referee is final.
- A safety mobile phone number for emergencies, as well as for notifying the race referee of withdrawals is 083 447 1500. The onus is on the competitor to notify the race referee of his/her withdrawal. The costs of any search resulting from a competitor not notifying the organisers of his or her withdrawal will be borne by the competitor.
- The finish will be between two wobblies/flags on the beach.
- Paddlers must cross the finish line with their craft in hand.
- Double skis – Both competitors must be with the craft.
- Competitors must finish the race with the craft they started the race in.
- The race committee reserves the right to swap days (singles / doubles) in the interest of safety and/or more favorable down wind conditions.
- No refund (or any other compensation of whatsoever nature will in any circumstances be made to a paddler who is not permitted for safety reasons to participate, or in circumstances where the race is cancelled.
- U18 Paddlers: Paddlers need to be 15 years old, or will be turning 15 years old, the same year of the race. The last year an athlete can compete in the U18 age group is the year of their 18th birthday. If a paddler is younger than 15 a written motivation is to be submitted, accompanied by a written letter of consent from the parent/s or guardian/s and a letter from the club safety officer (supporting his/her proficiency and experience on open ocean paddling). This motivation and consent must be presented to the race organiser and the race safety committee for review and approval or (at their discretion) prior to the race, and so, as soon as possible after submission of an entry.
- U23 Paddlers: The last year an athlete can compete in the U23 age group is the year of their 23rd birthday.
- An athlete can compete in a masters’ event in the year that they reach the lower limit of the age group. The masters’ age groups are defined by each discipline with a minimum age of 35 years.
- To enter in an event with a specified age group an athlete or the National Federation must produce documentary proof such as passport, identity card or similar document with a photograph, confirming the age of the athlete.